Sunday, October 26, 2008

Laura's babbling!!!!!

Yesterday Laura started saying na na na na, then ma ma ma ma. This morning Emma shouted, "Mammy, Mammy she's saying da da da da!! Was thrilled, I swear I woke Brian up at 7.30 this morning to let him hear her, he only got in from work at 02.30am. He was chuffed to bits. Emma is listening to every sound Laura is making. We are starting speech therapy on Monday week so am making a list of Laura's new sounds. We had physio last week and her therapist couldn't get over the difference in Laura's trunk control in just the few weeks. She will be 6 weeks over the operation next Thursday, am shocked at just how much the seizure's were holding her back.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Marvelous !!!! Music to my ears...I wish that I could hear it. We're so happy for you and for Laura's recovery!!

Kristi and Cris